Monday, March 23, 2009

How to Write Eye-Popping Headlines

By Ray L Edwards

Your headline is the first part of the ad that your readers will see. If it is not attention grabbing and compelling then the rest of your ad does not get read.

This becomes even more important in email marketing since the subject line becomes the headline and is the only words seen for your email before it is opened. Most likely your email ad is sent out with thousands of other ads. Your headline must stand out if you expect your email to be even opened. This is becoming more and more difficult as time goes by.

For starters your headline should build curiosity and state your STRONGEST benefit.

Let us look at an example. Consider these 4 headlines for a bathroom cleaner. Everyone knows that this is a favorite part of any housekeeper's chores!

A. "Use this product to clean your bathroom."

B. "The best bathroom cleaner ever!"

C. "Amazing new breakthrough in bathroom cleaning"

D. "Cuts your bathroom cleaning time in half"

Now which of these headlines grabbed your attention? Probably C and D and not A or B.

For headline A, there is simply no benefit stated.

For headline B, maybe it is a little better than A but it borders on hype. Everyone would claim the same for his or her product so why should I believe you?

For headline C, The words used are emotionally charged, get you excited and wanting to find out more but that's all. No direct benefit is implied.

For headline D, the benefit is clearly stated and quantified -'in half'. This is important. However the words are not as charged as in C. Probably we can combine C and D to get an even better headline to read as:

"Amazing new breakthrough cuts your bathroom cleaning time in half"

One of the best sources of great headlines is your newspaper. The writers know that powerful headlines sell papers and they spend a lot of time on the headline. One of the most famous headlines ever was found some years ago in "The New York Post". It read: "Headless man found in topless bar!"

Now I am sure that got your attention!

Look in your own email box and see what headlines catch your attention and there you have another resource you can use.

Whatever you do, make your headlines count!

Ray L. Edwards is a freelance copywriter, copywriting coach, Internet marketing consultant and published author. He has made his clients millions of dollars online and can be contacted about his services at

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