One quality of successful internet marketers is their ability to quickly pick up on new forms of communication and apply these to their benefit. They're ahead of the pack. If you've been doing internet marketing long enough, your marketing strategy must be pretty well set up already. You may be ready then to add a new zing to your marketing efforts. If so, then you may want to consider Podcasting.
Although it can't strictly be called an innovation anymore because it's been around since 2004, still pod casting is something that internet marketers are not utilizing to its full potential. A relatively new form of online media delivery, podcasts are basically radio shows played over the internet. Podcasting allows you to select whatever content you desire and record it into an MP3 file. You then make the MP3 file available to your clients through RSS feeds. You can relay important information about your product in a podcast or do a review on a particular service. You might decide to do an audio instructional or a motivational speech. You can record interviews with authorities on your particular niche. The content is completely up to you.
Through podcasting, you can establish yourself further as an authority in your chosen field. As people listen to your podcasts, soon they will not only know your name but will also associate your voice to the product or niche you've selected. Another identifying element has been added to your marketing arsenal.
With a podcast, you have a potentially huge market. If you can create excellent podcasts that catch the attention of your market, podcasts that they feel they just need to share with others, soon because of word of mouth you may find yourself with a regular fan base. Podcasting can serve as a powerful form of viral marketing for you.
What's great is that you can create podcasts and distribute them all for free. All you really need is a computer, a microphone, and perhaps some audio editing software. Distribution is free. It's like having your own radio program without having to bear any broadcasting fees and no costly equipment to upkeep. Equally great is that your listeners don't need any fancy equipment to listen to you either. A computer with speakers is sufficient; an MP3 player is a plus.
So learn more about this technology, if you're not making use of it yet. It may just be the weapon you need in your marketing arsenal to help you attain dominance in your niche.
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